Are you Impacted by a Hormonal Imbalance?
With nearly 20 years of experience in private practice, it is clear to me that many women's understanding of hormones is rooted in gross misinformation. The Hormone Rehab RX is the academy's flagship course giving you the tools and knowledge you need to change of your health and life.
Ready to get started?
Take my free hormone rehab quiz HERE and then watch my Hormone 101 Webinar below to understand your results!
In my practice, I consistently see intelligent, responsible, well-meaning women be incredibly hard on themselves as they attempt to push through life, oftentimes blaming and shaming themselves for their lack of energy.
Life can feel like a complete burden when hormones are imbalanced. Emotions seem uncontrollable with ups and downs that feel like they come out of nowhere.
Complicating things, we are consistently sold a bogus narrative by conventional and sometimes even natural approaches to treating hormones. We are often told our current states are as good as we can expect from our aging bodies and healthcare system. Or, we are given well intentioned natural advice without accurate lab testing or the depth and breadth of understanding that a Functional Medicine approach can offer.
Too many women suffer through the day only to wake up and repeat the vicious cycle of feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and defeated. It doesn’t have to be this way that is why I am so passionate about helping women find cost effective access to the progressive health care treatments they deserve.
With a permanent solution in mind, I created The Hormone Rehab RX. This comprehensive program was designed to support you in a complete hormone healing transformation. And in order to make this vital experience accessible to everyone while catering to the needs of my patients in every stage of their wellness journey, I offer two ways to go through The Hormone Rehab RX as well as pricing options to fit every budget.
The most popular and cost effective is the Accelerated Healing Experience which is how the course was originally created including advanced lab testing as well as 1:1 support from Dr. Alethea throughout the course. However, if you have already received lab testing or are working 1:1 with another partner practitioner you can purchase only the self-study course separately.
Whether you move through the Hormone Rehab RX as a Self-Study Course alone or take the Accelerated Healing Experience with 1:1 Personalized Care & Advanced lab testing,
Watch my video below to find out more details about what's included in the course.
- Overview
- What's Included
- Testimonials
- About Dr. Alethea
My 90-day program enables you to break free from "status quo health" by bridging progressive science-based care with natural roots aimed to give you the vitality you deserve. The Hormone Rehab Rx is a comprehensive plan of action created from years of clinical experience treating women with hormone imbalance.
This program is all about you getting results. If you are ready to shift from survival into vitality and resilience, it would be an honor to help guide you in this process as you receive your Rx for Hormone Rehab.
Hormone Rehab RX Course Alone |
Accelerated Healing 1:1 Experience |
"Quality and scope of testing was excellent. I've never seen a lot of that information EVER in any test I've ever had. It would have been super helpful to have that years earlier in my health struggles. The quantity and quality of teaching was really good! Great job. You have developed a tool that will serve women well." - Pia L.
"I thought both labs were great. It really highlighted for me that need to dive deeper into labs than what the average doctor does. Health really is a kind of layering, like an onion, and if we don't risk the "crying" as we peel back each layer, we may never get to the root! "I can't say that any ONE thing stood out because I truly feel that each week's content was really valuable and so well presented. It was a lot to take in, which I loved!" - Julia S.
"The entire experience exceeded my expectations. This was far more valuable than what we paid. Thank you for the amazing experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has TRULY been wonderful and HIGHLY valuable!!!! Your hard work has certainly paid off. It's a beautiful course and truly filled with content that most women ought to be aware of! - Julia S.
"LOVED IT! Both the blood and DUTCH tests were very enlightening and help in understanding where I was from a physiological standpoint. I thought the content overall was great. I thought the overview of major hormones on how efficiently or inefficiently works was impactful. "I really appreciated the group aspect of the course -- made me feel like I wasn't the only one who was in need & I liked the support." - Jen R.
"When we had our one-on-one meeting, Dr. Eller was ready to go! She reviewed my labs and had a prescriptive course of action mapped out in advance. The course covered such a range of information too, from biology to healthier habits. Lots of great information to digest and many things to put into practice." - Laura M.
"Love the step by step approach!!" - Amy H.
Dr. Alethea
Like most people, I play many roles in my life. In addition to being a doctor, I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and business owner. I lead a full and engaging life, and I love it! Living in my calling and purpose of helping patients heal both physically and emotionally, brings me an abundance of joy.
Over and over, I see misinformation to be the root of many patient's suffering. While I am incredibly honored to be under the umbrella of functional medicine, doing root cause medicine does have its challenges.
Many people that have broken the barrier to health and vitality have taken their health in their own hands, participating in services outside of our current sick care model in our healthcare system.
Wellness services are often out of pocket for patients which have created an unseen barrier of access to those who can access this progressive and effective model of care. With this academy, I offer a bridge so that more people can achieve the level of health and vitality that they truly desire.
May your time and energy shared here to bring you a deeper understanding of yourself and healing in that knowledge and wisdom.
My 90-day program enables you to break free from "status quo health" by bridging progressive science-based care with natural roots aimed to give you the vitality you deserve. The Hormone Rehab Rx is a comprehensive plan of action created from years of clinical experience treating women with hormone imbalance.
This program is all about you getting results. If you are ready to shift from survival into vitality and resilience, it would be an honor to help guide you in this process as you receive your Rx for Hormone Rehab.
What's Included
Hormone Rehab RX Course Alone |
Accelerated Healing 1:1 Experience |
"Quality and scope of testing was excellent. I've never seen a lot of that information EVER in any test I've ever had. It would have been super helpful to have that years earlier in my health struggles. The quantity and quality of teaching was really good! Great job. You have developed a tool that will serve women well." - Pia L.
"I thought both labs were great. It really highlighted for me that need to dive deeper into labs than what the average doctor does. Health really is a kind of layering, like an onion, and if we don't risk the "crying" as we peel back each layer, we may never get to the root! "I can't say that any ONE thing stood out because I truly feel that each week's content was really valuable and so well presented. It was a lot to take in, which I loved!" - Julia S.
"The entire experience exceeded my expectations. This was far more valuable than what we paid. Thank you for the amazing experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has TRULY been wonderful and HIGHLY valuable!!!! Your hard work has certainly paid off. It's a beautiful course and truly filled with content that most women ought to be aware of! - Julia S.
"LOVED IT! Both the blood and DUTCH tests were very enlightening and help in understanding where I was from a physiological standpoint. I thought the content overall was great. I thought the overview of major hormones on how efficiently or inefficiently works was impactful. "I really appreciated the group aspect of the course -- made me feel like I wasn't the only one who was in need & I liked the support." - Jen R.
"When we had our one-on-one meeting, Dr. Eller was ready to go! She reviewed my labs and had a prescriptive course of action mapped out in advance. The course covered such a range of information too, from biology to healthier habits. Lots of great information to digest and many things to put into practice." - Laura M.
"Love the step by step approach!!" - Amy H.
About Dr. Alethea
Dr. Alethea
Like most people, I play many roles in my life. In addition to being a doctor, I’m a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and business owner. I lead a full and engaging life, and I love it! Living in my calling and purpose of helping patients heal both physically and emotionally, brings me an abundance of joy.
Over and over, I see misinformation to be the root of many patient's suffering. While I am incredibly honored to be under the umbrella of functional medicine, doing root cause medicine does have its challenges.
Many people that have broken the barrier to health and vitality have taken their health in their own hands, participating in services outside of our current sick care model in our healthcare system.
Wellness services are often out of pocket for patients which have created an unseen barrier of access to those who can access this progressive and effective model of care. With this academy, I offer a bridge so that more people can achieve the level of health and vitality that they truly desire.
May your time and energy shared here to bring you a deeper understanding of yourself and healing in that knowledge and wisdom.