My Mission

Consistently offer patients compassionate care, driven by scientific research and rooted in natural methods that
 provide long-term, sustainable health, and vitality.

A Message From Dr. Alethea

Hi Friends,

I’m Dr. Alethea and I’m honored to be a part of your journey towards being the best version of YOU.

I created this curriculum, because I think women like you should have access to knowledge and have a choice in how you want to gain optimal health in your life.

I hope to bring clarity, compassion, awareness so you can effectively navigate your fast-paced life on a day-to-day basis. Like you, I wear a ton of different hats throughout the day, and sometimes there just isn’t enough time to do it all! Through my academy, I will give you the guidance and support you need to tackle the day with enthusiasm and whole-body health!

I know there’s a lot of information out there, and I’m here to break it all down so you can start taking action and obtaine the life you’ve been yearning for through natural and clinically-tested methods.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email or join my Facebook community filled with women like yourself. We’re here to support you!

Stay Resilient. Stay Energetic. Stay You.