Are you ready to create your 2023 from your most sacred space?

Join 7 powerhouse healers as we unite offering gratitude for the past & consciously co-create that which calls us forward.

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    The Sacred Start Circle: Access the Recording

    • Welcome & Preparing for Your Sacred Start

    • The Sacred Start Circle: Video

    • Stay Connected with Your Collaborators

2-Hour Virtual Event Recording

You are invited to a most sacred pause intended to powerfully set your creation energy ABLAZE with master level embodiment work. We always create from the inside out. Getting in alignment with what you are calling in is your mind-body shortcut to manifesting. Absorb insights and curate your goals while staying deeply connected to yourSELF, your SOURCE, and held in the highest energy of matriarchal SUPPORT.

Meet Your Collaborators

Allow the energy of these women to hold space for your most authentic expansion...buckle up and hold on!

Sarah Kay a gifted intuitive, will get our time together anchored in the energy of divine support and guidance as well as connected with our most sacred self.  

Delany Christine will be sure that our bodies are fully engaged in the process, guiding us through a powerful breathwork practice.

Denise Lynn Purdy will be consciously closing that which we are leaving in the past and expanding our sovereign energy NOW as we create.

Kristen Elder brings her drumming and vocal magic to help support the full integration of our work together.

Dr. Alethea Eller will lead the group through her dynamic neurological reprogramming practice that instantly shifts the stress response in the body.

Eileen Wolf  will be sharing golden nuggets on power-full amplifiers in the creation process

Dr. Amy Horn will be sure to inspire clear intention and action as a woman who fully embodies forward motion in all she does.

Ready to say YES to yourself in 2023?

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