It's Tiring to Be Superwoman Sometimes


As a full-time working mom and mother of three, plus 2 fur-babies, I know what it’s like to want to do it all, but lack the energy to get off the couch.

I've been in private practice for 20 years, first as a chiropractor and now as a functional medicine physician. I’ve incorporated my years of experience and understanding of physiology to create a curriculum that will help you obtain long-term results by focusing on prevention in addition to healing.

Balance Your Hormones Now

Join my 90-day Hormone Rehab Rx to gain the health and vitality you deserve.

Join Now!

What is functional medicine?

Behind all the fancy terms, my main goal is to help eliminate aches, pains, and stressors in your life, not just mask them. Functional medicine focuses on the cause of your symptoms, not just covering them up with methods that promote short-term relief.

Remember, long-term results can be obtained if we address the underlying imbalance that could be creating symptoms.


Natural Methods

Natural Methods

Whole-Body Approach

Whole-Body Approach

Clinically Tested

Clinically Tested

Imagine what life would be like if you had...

  • Better Health
  • Fewer Doctor Bills
  • Fewer Prescriptions
  • More Knowledge
  • More Energy

What to expect

01  Functional medicine advice from the comfort of your home  

02  Basics of whole-body healthcare 

03  Focused courses on specific health conditions

04  Learn at your own pace 

05  Cost-effective access to progressive health care 

Wherever you are in your current health journey, there is a course for you.

Clients Who’ve Taken Control of
Their Health with Dr. Alethea

Denise, Life Coach

- Body Wise Participant

“I was surprised at the initial test that Dr. Alethea did regarding the energy in my body and the organs that were "talking" and telling her my emotional story. I couldn't believe how spot on it was. I felt like she was able to peer into my life in a matter of 3 minutes! She used these results to help me navigate various situations and feelings in my life and helped me learn how to nurture these organs through proper nutrition as well. It was freeing to know that a simple "test" could be used to really understand what I was experiencing emotionally. On the following visits, we focused on healing these aspects of pain and trauma, freeing me from years of baggage that I hadn't been able to release on my own.”


- Body Wise Participant

“Dr. Eller uses natural and homeopathic remedies that serve well for my whole family. We each have a different reason for seeing her. Our son has Type 1 Diabetes. Using these remedies has allowed us to keep his immune system up. Having autoimmune problems means his immune system is already compromised and these remedies help to keep from further reducing it by keeping him at his healthiest, as well as the rest of us.”


- Body Wise Participant

“As mothers and women we need to have as many resources as possible to support us because so much is vying for our attention these days. Dr. Eller allows me to just be me and to express all of my emotions. She doesn’t say “you’re doing this wrong”, and instead says “you’re doing the best you can”. “


- Body Wise Participant

“I had various health issues in my life. Doctors were just wanting to put me on medication, and some of the side effects were worse than what I was dealing with. Dr. Alethea was a game-changer. Right away she was asking different questions about diet and getting the right supplements and I wondered why regular doctors weren’t asking me these questions. I am a firm believer in Dr. Eller and her practice. Seeing Dr. Eller is to take care of the whole body; body, mind, and spirit!”

Sarah, Intuitive Healer & Educator

- Body Wise Participant

“Dr. Alethea is the REAL DEAL! She delivers results, provides a safe space to be vulnerable, without judgments, and gives support through it.”


- Body Wise Participant

“A lot of emotional issues have been brought up that I didn’t realize were connected to a deeper root. In the process of trying to get onto a healthier path, I am realizing that my emotional health directly affects my physical health. In my appointments with Dr. Eller, we’ve been able to identify the roots of those emotions. Every visit, I leave feeling like I have more control over my life and the healthy direction I am working towards."


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

Quality and scope of testing was excellent. I've never seen a lot of that information EVER in any test I've ever had. It would have been super helpful to have that years earlier in my health struggles.


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

I thought both labs were great. It really highlighted for me that need to dive deeper into labs than what the average doctor does. Health really is a kind of layering, like an onion, and if we don't risk the "crying" as we peel back each layer, we may never get to the root!


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

LOVED IT! Both the blood and DUTCH tests were very enlightening and helping in understanding where I was from a physiological standpoint.


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

I can't say that any ONE thing stood out because I truly feel that each week's content was really valuable and so well presented. It was a lot to take in, which I loved!


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

I thought the content overall was great. I thought the overview of major hormones on how efficiently or inefficiently works was impactful.


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

When we had our one-on-one meeting, Dr. Eller was ready to go! She reviewed my labs and had a prescriptive course of action mapped out in advance. The course covered such a range of information too, from biology to healthier habits. Lots of great information to digest and many things to put into practice.


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

The quantity and quality of teaching was really good! Great job. You have developed a tool that will serve women well.


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

Love the step by step approach!!


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

The entire experience exceeded my expectations. This was far more valuable than what we paid.


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

I really appreciated the group aspect of the course -- made me feel like I wasn't the only one who was in need & I liked the support.


- Hormone Rehab Rx Participant

Thank you for the amazing experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has TRULY been wonderful and HIGHLY valuable!!!! Your hard work has certainly paid off. It's a beautiful course and truly filled with content that most women ought to be aware of!

Still hesitant?

Schedule a free consult with my Patient Care Manager to see what program is right for you.
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